Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Another day !

I'm still at it. Yes I am !
Not too excited yet, but I hope I will be once I see some change. I have been at this so often that it has lost pretty much all his glitter.
Knowing that I should be patient (not my strength ) and take it slow will be a struggle and challenge but I need to do this and do it    NOW!!
So I started tracking again. I have the online version of WW still from when I went to meetings a while back. Don't like the meetings as they don't tell me anything I don't know yet and I don't agree with 
replacing crap food with lower cal crap food.I'm more interested in eating better and less. It's not like I don't know what foods to eat. My problem is that I eat too much junk beside that.
 I want healthy and less processed, no sweetener but taste.
Since I can use whatever food I like I just keep track of what I eat/drink and use their tracker.
Used the treadmill again too. 30 min and some exercises . 

Tomorrow is another day!  :)

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